Anyone with Hearing Aids

Do you listen with or without them....Any tips, etc.

Showing 2 responses by ps

Stringen, you wrote:
"The name of the company is RESOUND. I don't know if they are good or not, but they seem to work well, and don't intrude with my music. I'm a pro musician and that was a prime concern to me."

Can you kindly tell us what model you have? I went to their website but found trying to evaluate their numerous models confusing.
Thank you
Thanks so much for your response, Stringreen. Even tho' I'm pretty much of a tube guy when it comes to my audio gear, I like the idea of the various "programs" to tailor the little gizmo to the listening environment. I also like the concept of looking at hearing aids as simply another component. Next step is to get my ears examined. :) I know they ain't what they used to be!