Anyone into quality vintage direct drive?

I grew tired of the Thorens 124 (Sold it) and am experimenting with vintage direct drive tables. Any suggestions?
Had a JVC QLY5F and Thorens 126.

I prefer the Thorens and gave the JVC to a friend as a gift.

It was a very enjoyable table. Beautful rosewood finish. Automatic everything, servo's in the tonearm for tracking,etc. nice little led display.

With a Shure Type 5, it would track any record I had easily.

I really enjoyed it and it was totally trouble free.

I'll take low output coils and suspended any day, but, if you want automatic take a gander at a JVC QL if you have the chance.

Have Fun.

While I agree the Thorens 126 is a fine table, I believe it's a belt drive, not a direct drive:


I'm also in the process of experimenting with direct drive. I currently have a Technics SL-1200, which qualifies as both vintage and new, since it's a 30 year old design that is still sold today. I'm going to get mine cleaned up and then fit a Rega armboard on it:

to see how my RB-250 sounds with it. Easy, cheap fun!
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Dear Avantgarde: Technics SP10MK2, Denon DP-80 and 75.

Regards and enjoy the music.
vintage denon and some cases, just ditched a classic though, so don't expect sonic revelations though going direct. my goldmund studio is great, but never blows any of my belt drives away
What would the disadvantages of a direct drive table be. I am selling my belt drive rig to upgrade to a new rig and during the down time thought about getting a vintage table to play with. I have seen some nice direct drive tables for excellent prices, but not sure if I should pull the trigger based on some comments I have gotten. Considering Teres just unveiled a direct drive model the concept can't be all that bad. I'm sure price point is a factor, but in any case what would be some top direct drive tables to consider, vintage and other.
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I have a TD-124, but I got tired of the rumble, noise, and speed instability. I found a Technics SP-10MKII on ePay for $215 and built a birch plywood plinth, and I'm very happy with the sound. The big home model Japanese DD sure look gorgeous, but they seem to sell for much more than the SP10MkII since the price of the Technics is kept low because they made so many for the radio market. In any event, I would only get oneof the top end models and stay clear of the mass market crap.

I have boght a few Technics SP-15 motor units on e-bay.

They are easy to test, require only a simple high mass plinth and sound great.

Easily worthy of a SME IV and good MC cartridge.

You can even strip them down and respray them at home. Look as good as new.

Best wishes from Ireland

I have an early 80's Kenwood KD-750 that is in excellent condition and still works well today. It is the higher end model from the granite base unit you sometimes hear about. The engineering is actually pretty impressive. It weighs about 45-50 lbs! It had been stored in the original carton for about 12 years when I got it a few years ago.
Agee hit it. The thing to look for is a vintage direct drive that has been in storage for a long time. A lot of audiophiles put their turntable in the closet when CD took over and just left it there. I have 4 DD tables that I know were stored for a long time and one other one that looks like it was.
The suggestion to ignore low and middle level DD tables is also correct. The luxury models have better motors, more mass and better isolation and typically were cared for better.
With these models you can get a big piece of what Teres and Black Diamond are now selling for only 5% to 10% of the investment. Several of them are worthy of the best tonearms.
The JVC QL Y66F is from my experience a nice table. It was the top of the JVC line in 85 when I bought Here are the specs www.STADTAUS.com_jvc-ql-y66f.pdf. It comes with a 14"platter an s curved arm as well as a straight arm' The table offers acurate and easy adjustment between arms and cartridges. One in good condition would be an excelent performer and investment. That said while the JVC is an automatic DD I prefered the belt drive AR "The Turntable" it replaced but I no longer have that table

PS I am saving for a Teres

Listening to the Kingston Trio Live (at UCLA) Capital Original Mono Vinyl LP

Have a look at the very rare Sony 2250 at I use one, fantastic sound.