Anyone heard the Cd Zucchero & Co?

A friend of mine loaned it to me and I cannot stop playing it.
Yes indeed....the italians can play the blues. Pippo is a really funky number!!

Zucchero Fornaciari "Blues" is one of my 'ol favorites - to understand Pippo it helps if you speak Italian or understand the culture, I am not Italian but this is one of the older cultures of Europe and deserves the deepest respect!

In Italy it is not uncommon to meet a car coming the opposite way in your lane! They will flash you and expect you to pull to the shoulder so they can finish overtaking! Also if you see a driver waving his fist with index and pinky finger held up this means "cornuto"....I won't explain what it means but essentially you pissed him off!!

Italians really know how to live!! Viva Italia! I love that country.