Anyone have thoughts on the Peak Consult Zoltans?

These have gotten a great review,recently.They are very efficient,and an easy load,which goes a long way.The review states that they are superior to the Watt/Puppies AND 45,000 dollar Kharma Mini.Of course it was one man's opinion,but the design priorities(can easily be driven with the finest low powered tube units)and build quality seem impressive,hence my quest for some meaningful feedback.
These speakers are priced very similarly with the Avalon Diamonds,but,though I do love Avalon stuff,I am beginning to believe the easier load,and drive capability surely must equate to a better listening experience.Am I wrong,here?

Thanks in advance!!

Showing 1 response by metralla

Audiooracle writes:
ALSO I will say it again, USHER MAKES THEIR OWN pure Beryllium Midrange Driver and are the only ones to do so!
That's untrue. Consider Technical Audio Devices, who first built a beryllium compression driver in 1975, and who continue to build beryllium tweeters and MIDRANGE units to this day. The TAD Coherent Source Transducer is a concentric midrange-tweeter unit.

And to keep this in perspective, Yamaha made a beryllium midrange driver in the late 70s through to late '80s - as used in the NS1000 range.
