anyone gotten a scratch on component and gone mad

I was wondering if anyone has been driven crazy by getting a scratch, ding or broken piece on new, expensive gear. I hate when this happens.

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Does snapping the cantilever off a brand new $5000 cartridge while setting it up count? I mean I guess I didn't scratch it did bother me a bit.

Years of therapy with a team of doctors had almost made me forget about it.....until this thread came along. Thanks buddy!!!!
02-17-10: Cyclonicman
One time while moving my gear, my arm was scratched by my power amp. I was okay, but my power amp went mad and had to be carted away.

LOL! Alright, let's start a new thread on injuries received from components. In 2006 I tore a bicep tendon moving a BAT VK-600SE amp......good times...