Any views on hearing loss?

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Anyone worried that they (or friends) listen to music too loud or too often?
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Showing 1 response by jsaah

I buy Etymotic earplugs by the dozen and pass them out to people I care about. I was a musician for years, then a piano technician, and now a practicing psychotherapist and audiophile: for me it's all about hearing. I have known too many youngish folks who have permanent hearing loss due to carelessness and a youthful sense of omnipotence. It's just not that hard to pop in the earplugs in vulnerable situations. And I am not afraid to do battle with the lead guitarist in my garage band, who insists that he is not playing too loudly, even as he cranks up his volume. I take this all quite seriously--the subtle nuances of sound are what create those shivers of joy. Isn't that what we're paying the big bucks for?