Any suggestions for improvements?

I have been listening to ET2...Eminent Technology2 tonearm on an oracle turntable. The sound is good and many times great depending on source. My imagination search center for music within my brain yearns for a recommendation on a tonearm that would better this combination. Please help
that arm isn't the best match-up for the oracle, due to its spring arrangement, & the way the et will cause weight-shift to the oracle as the arm moves. i assume ewe have an older oracle - i can't imagine this arm wood get mounted today on a gnu oracle mkv. the arm wood perform much better w/the awailable upgrades to the oracle, specifically the counterweight upgrade, but i'd also recommend the bearing & spring upgrades as well.

re: bdifferent tonearms, i'm *wery* pleased w/the origin-live modded rega rb250. a great arm at any price, but a *steal* cuz it's so relatively cheap. origin-live sez it's even better than their modded rb900...

i'd also check out o-l's motor/power-supply mod. a worthwhile upgrade to my oracle, again a steal at the price...

doug s.

Depends on what you have to spend. I would be tempted to start over. Get a VPI and use the current arm there. Less expensive would be to upgrade the Oracle and get the turbo power supply. Then replace the arm with a Graham or SME, both are better matches for the Oracle.
yup, money is definitely a consideration. my oracle is updated to all mk-v specs, except for the motor/power-supply, which is the o-l unit. as set-up, w/the o-l arm, i've got $1800 into it - which includes the cost of the 'table. not exactly cheap, but i tink ewe could spend a lot more to get what may end up to be only minor improvements. the oracle, the o-l power supply, & their modded arms - especially the rb250, hold their own w/the best out there, at relatively reasonable prices. for someone who already owns an oracle, updating to mk-v specs, getting the o-l arm & motor-p/s set-up, can get a taste of the best, on the cheap. and, an et2 arm can get ya a few bucks back, on the used market.

regards, doug s.