Any SS amp recs in the 1-2k price range?

Been lurking mainly on this sub forum for a month as I am dipping back in the audio hobby. I have time and am at home a lot like many so this is a good time for me to tinker. If people here have some recs I would be most appreciative. Looking for a very nice SS amp (prefer used) about 150W per side with balanced inputs. I currently am running an old Forte Model 3 and also have a Bryston 4b ST elsewhere. Both are a big large in power and size than what I would prefer as we'll be moving to smaller accommodations in a year. The Bryston is paired with Avalon Symbol speakers elsewhere. Here I am running Linn 5140 speakers (which are for sale) and I will get something else to play with if they do sell. So speaker pairing is not key right now, flexibility is, which is part of the solid state preference. 

I recently got a Wyred4Sound STP-SE pre amp which I am happy with. To me it is very transparent which I like. On the amp side the Forte is fine (too large) but not as detailed as the Bryston. Something with a bit more warmth would be nice but not imperative. I mainly listed to rock, bluegrass, and folk music. Lastly I'd prefer something more "classic" so I can sell it fairly easily in a year or two as my needs/desires may well change. I expect to sell the Forte and Bryston eventually. I am happy to be patient looking for something. 

I am not hip on many of the brands I've read about here. I do see Ayre V-3s for sale reasonably often and only mention it as I figure that is probably a good sounding unit and not too hard to sell down the road. No I have not heard Ayre not many modern things as I've been working way to hard for the last 20 years. 

Thanks in advance and I'll continue to read and learn. 

A pre-owned Parasound Halo A21.

That or a class D amp that runs on Purifi modules. I believe there are a couple out there within your budget.

The XTZ class D amps get good reviews and are compact. 
Gold Note PA-10 is nice in that price range. Compact chassis. Italian style. Add a second down the road for big power.

Industry disclosure: I'm a Gold Note dealer.
Thanks for the recs so far. I am reading and learning. I've read lots here about some of the new class D to understand that I only know a bit of what is involved for good sound there. And a slew of brands I am unfamiliar with just cause I've been out of the game.  

I'll keep checking in here as frankly I have time and the itch :) 
If you like Wyred4Sound, take a look at the STI 500 v2 or the STI 1000 v2, both on clearance at the company's website and, I think, Underwood Wally's. These are integrateds that easily meet your power requirements, are comfortably within your budget, have a balanced input, and can be used with your Wyred pre-amp. I bought the STI 500 v2 and am greatly enjoying it. Good luck!
jim,Thx, that is a great price.

I just emailed them so I can better understand what the differences are between the STP-SE->ST-500 MKII vs the STI 500 v2 is. I don't really need an integrated but swapping gear is no big deal and I'm in that mode. Thx
Over on US Audio Mart there’s a Bel Canto S300 for $725 or a pair of REF500M monos for $2000 that might be a great fit for what you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 
Thx for all the recs. For now I am keeping my eyes open for a Wyred ST-500 mkII maybe. I did get a note back from Wyred on the differences between the integrated (STI 500 v2) and the separates path. It sounds like separates are a bit better for most things so for now gonna keep it simple and look for an amp so even tho that integrated is at a great price now and tempting.