Any Paradigm Persona 3f and GoldenEar Reference comparisons?

Looking for AG member comparisons between the two, especially in terms of sonics, room interaction, and efficiency.

Showing 1 response by returntomusic

Your responses are interesting. I don’t live in an area with a lot of brick & motar stores. One that I patronize carries Paradigm, Focal, and Goldenear. The staff strongly favors Focal (Electra, Kanto, Sopra) or the Personas, (not so much the Prestige). They are admittedly detail & openess oriented. This store is several hours away- I need to plan a decent comparison of the three brands. The other, more local store, (that I buy from) carry tthe Paradigm and Goldenear lines, but stop at the Triton 1 and the Prestige 95f- the staff there also favor the Paradigm.