Amplifiers either work or they don't work. But

If an amplifier is working correctly, you know it, since it either works, or it doesn't work. So i am told.

Is it possible or likely for a preamp, however, to play at a diminished level, do to some small malfunction within the preamp say over time, and therefore go unnoticed by the listener, who may not be able to pick up on the gradual dimunition of the music ?
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Showing 1 response by sean

It is quite possible that a design making use of coupling caps could gradually lose output, alter tonal balance, suffer from increased noise, etc.. as the capacitors degrade and change value. It could be so gradual that you might not notice until the problem had really begun to snowball. As such, products can still "work" but that doesn't mean that they are functioning correctly or at peak performance. Sean