amperex 6922 pq white label tubes

  I am somewhat new to tubes so I apologize if this is a dumb question.  I am looking to get some amperex pq white label tubes but the prices are confusing.  There are matched pairs on ebay for 129.00 but there is also a guy on audio asylum selling matched pairs for 235.00.  They are both made in the usa.  Are these the same tubes and the audio asylum guy is just overpriced.  I am not sure about buying on ebay is why I am asking.  thanks

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

About half of the "NOS" tubes I bought on ebay were not; some were not even marginally good when tested with a calibrated Hikock tub tester.  Stick w the known good dealers. Tomcy6 gave you a good place to start.