AH Tjoeb vs. Reja Planet 2000 vs. YBA ???

I currently run a Marantz 4000 OSE (The carousel) but am looking for a better sound. I'm running Soliloquy 5.3s and am considering the YBA Integre.

I've read up on the Tjoeb, Rega Planet 2000, and others in the $1K and under (less used) range. I am comparing these to going with the matching YBA CD Integre.

Tastes aside, is there conventional wisdom on this one?
Ag insider logo xs@2xgirardian
In my sytem the AH is vey very musical,I use siemens
7308 tube,I have the upsampler,its hard to beat.
I also like the planet,before I heard the AH,The
JD100 I like it better than the AH but its more
Consider the Jolida 100 at about $650 used also. In my A/B test, it was much better than the Rega Planet 2000. Get a pair of good interconnect like the Kimber Hero and you will enjoy the music.