Advice/feedback needed on Morch UP4 setup

I am trying to set up a new Morch UP4 arm on a new Amazon Model One table. I have no experience or exposure to this set up or any experience with setting up arms and carts since the early eighties. The question I have is concerning the lack of stability of the assembly at the pivot point. Should it be loose? I have put the weights on and installed the wand and it is still very unstable at the pivot point. I realize this assembly is riding on a bearing and that it is really the only point of contact but I can't beleive it is not supported laterally somehow. For instance, if I have the arm in it's base along with the prescribed weights on and the wand installed and I pick it up by the head shell with one finger it rotates, or spins, if you will. I hope this question makes sense, if anyone out there has set up a Morch UP4 hopefully you have seen the same. An advice/ experience/ feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Showing 1 response by am_dial

I bought a Micro-Tech scale through Musicdirect for $160. It measures to 1/10th of a gram and it's platform for the stylus to rest on is low at platter height. Too expensive though, somebody somewhere is buying these things for ten bucks i bet.

Maybe not ten bucks, but you might want to check out Save on Scales. I have no affiliation with them, and haven't even bought a scale from them yet, but their prices seem to be good.
