Acoustic Revive RR-77, 777, 888 Schumann Generator

Love to hear from anyone about their experience with these devices.  Long story short, I have an RR-77 in my room.  Bought it off Audiogon about ten years ago.  Every once in a while I look at it and think to myself "stooopid".  So I turn it off... then back on... then off... then back on.  Then I leave it on because what it does is wild.  And it does wildly good things to the sound in the room. I have it positioned above 5', and off to the side in the room.  It's like an ECU tune on your already high performance engine.  It's like buying a chocolate from a storefront in Brugge, rather than a Godiva from your local mall.  

I've read the threads.  Looked over posts and reviews on the interwebs.  It works and anyone who says it's snake oil... whatevs.

Anyone ever compare iterations of this device?  77 vs. 777 vs. 888?  Any discernible improvements?

I have not delved into any other AR devices.  Anything particularly noteworthy?
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Showing 4 responses by oldhvymec

You know Mahgister, I've read after you now for over three months.
At first I though this is a strange person, I kept asking myself what the heck are embeddings? I asked you a few time, in my snarky fashion.

I want to say openly, your a pretty interesting fella.  You are the true definition of an Audiophiler.  A tinkers Titan! I thought I need to be open minded and go into complete sponge mode.  What is sponge mode?

Well the music is very low and classical, and I don't stop reading until I drop. This can go on for months sometimes... It also heals my ears. They have been acting up a bit.  I'm of the opinion NOW there is just some bad signals flying around, all the time and everywhere. Call it what you will, but I can look to see how many WIFI routers are in range, I'm almost nullified.

I think a lot of our ability to hear is affected by every day exposure to sub and ultra sonic sound, WiFi, pure sound pollution, and due diligence in health care, for Ears Nose and throat in particular.

I'm collecting things and have been for years, now it's time to put them to work.  I honestly think I'm gonna go for a completely shielded room.
Radon shielding, over head power line shielding, WIFI shielding and shut down when not in use, EVERYTHING... No cell phones on my body. All the steel is salagen in my body NOW.. that helps..Titanium and stainless steel were removed, I had reactions to both, mainly anemia.

I think what's in you, and outside affects a lot more than we think. I'm very interested in WHY these gadgets work but more important to me is cause and effect, long term... I'm looking for better health through music and the tinkering there of...  There may be a health benefit causing the effect..everyone is speaking of..

I can't name the number of times I've walked in a room and walked right back out... No idea why. Hair standing straight up on the back of my neck..

Any way 22 cents worth..

Basic living by the sea shore. 7.8x hz pulse tone.. You must be able to feel it.. Has anyone heard of the why people only work so many min in a water gen plant.... or in the super structure of a 110,000 hp 2 stroke diesel, 3 stories high. THAT sound will grind you to pieces. Actually in puff suits, to help dampen you body exposure... The SPL must be miniscule. Are they like a transducer, that pulses? So you could mount them on and entire wall (s) ceiling and floor? I'm not understanding the effect. Is that a magic number, for canceling something out? Or a tone that makes us think sea shore?

LOL roxy you crack me up... I’m still laughing...

I think I’m gonna go for a few and mount them at the 3 - 4 foot level. Hope it mellows the grandson a bit, too. LOL

You left out my favorite part, "For only peanuts"

I find it most wonderous. These things work, I have no doubt..Either

but my favorite part is still when he says, "for peanuts"

