Acoustic Foam Panels - Blu Tack ???

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the installation of acoustic foam panels. I'm looking to put up a few of these foam panels on my walls and want to do it with the least amount of "destruction" of my walls. I was wondering if anyone has tried using Blu Tack to stick them to the walls. Is it strong enough to hold the foam? Does anyone have any suggestions to hang foam panels? I would appreciate any ideas...

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

Havew used blu tack many times but thin about how pourous foam is.You'll never gewt it to work alone.Try Scotch brand hooks that have and adhesive that is supposed to not damage paint.Uses compound and tension of same to hjold.You'd need a few.Me I'd maybe make one hole and hang it like picture with wire if you can super glue wire to foam which is iffy.Scotch hangers at Home Depot is what I'd try first.