A philosophical question.

I want to pose a sort of philosophical question about our listening to music.
The obvious answer to the question is that we should listen to whatever we damn please. But the query is: should we be happy listening to our favorite composers and compositions, or should we feel guilty about not exploring new horizons and music we’re prone to hate?  For me, the obvious bitter pills are such as Liszt, Neilson and Bruckner, not to mention the Second Viennese school.  We run the risk of close-mindedness by ignoring that which we don’t know and missing out on what what glories might be out there.  On the other hand, we only have so much time, and there is a universe of more accessible music available.
I just wonder if this dilemma has crossed anyone else's mind.

Showing 1 response by teo_audio

Since music is about emotions and how it moves the body, etc... then....do whatever makes the emotions work for you.

Simple enough.

After too much analysis on these areas, I release myself from the analysis and do what works in the moment, refusing over think that part of my life. If I decide i have to go back to overthinking it, then I will. And then drift into something else.

If the point is to lower stress or to de-stress or to expand my joy in life, then I’ll just flow in what works, and not overthink it.

The meditation end of the pool. Empty the mind, open the mind, etc.

Overthinking it is just too much of one’s life spent on the wheel of pain, wrapped in a hamster wheel. Kinda like the forums.

The ratio is like: for every one of us having a presence and arguing on the forums, there’s 10x-20x-30x more... that are not here, and are just listening to the music....