a little dinner music

I would love your help in selecting a few CD's that would play well in the background during a nice evening meal with friends. I am looking for music with limited dynamic range so that it can play with fairly uniform softness, generally upbeat in tone, and very beautiful.
Some I like are Japanese Melodies,Rampal flute on Denon. Distant Songs, Barry Gordon,piano on Telarc, Haydn 3 Piano Sonatas, Schriff on Denon, and I Ching Synphony, Steiner on Real Music.

Showing 1 response by ajahu

A few cds, which I think would fit to your needs:
Handel Violin sonatas, Pauk-Hungaraton,
Telemann, metodische sonaten, sony seon,
Chopin - any solo piano music with Rubinstein,
Bach Wohltemperiertes Clavier- Schiff Andras,
French viloni sonatas, NAxos