A difference between First Sound Presence products

I am pondering what is are the sonic differences between the First Sound Presence Deluxe Mark I and Mark IIs. Can any proud and former owners of both describe the sonical differences between both?
I am wondering if should I upgrade from one to another, or would I better better off investing the upgrade money on another preamp that will compare or outshine the Mark IIs (expected cost of upgrade ranges up to 2k.)
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by bemopti123

Wow. Thank you for one of the best, non-press related descriptions of the First Sound Presence. It is very hard to find reviews of Emmanuel's products anywhere, except the one glowing Soundstage review of 2 years ago. It seems to be that First Sound products can best those of more known or publicized manufactures (Lamm, or even CAT.) As I have suspected, it will soon enough so that I will be able to save enough for a FS, either upgrade or new. No need to settle for lesser gear and be disappointed.