A challenge to the "measurement" camp

I’ve watched some of his video and I actually agree on some of what he said,
but he seems too confident on his insistence on measurement. For those
who expound on the merits of blind test and measurement, why not turn
the table upside down?

Why not do a blind test of measurement? That is I will supply all the measurement
you want, can you tell me which is a better product?

For example, if I have a set of cable, and a set of measurement for each
individual cable, can you tell me which is the best cable based on measurement
alone? I will supply all the measurement you want.
After all, that is what you’re after right? Objective result and not subjective
listening test.

Fast forward to 8:15 mark where he keeps ranting about listening test
without measurement.  

By the way, is he getting paid by Belden?  Because he keeps talking about it
and how well it measures.  I've had some BlueJean cables and they can easily
bettered by some decent cables.  

Showing 17 responses by mahgister

First and last audiophile law:

 Before upgrading something, embed rightfully anything.....

Nowadays there are some people that cannot even recognize that some set of measurements are vouched to stay non linear, because these measurements are made in a particular audio system with interacting many parts and many dimensions which imply the multiple simultaneous particular and unique embeddings of the audio system in some particular house(mechanical,electrical,and acoustical embeddings) where a change in input are in no linear relations to the change in output...

The end results for the ears being the only irrefutable proof or experience because no set of measures can tell all the story in advance...

An experiment:

If i put a piece of quartz or a piece of shungite on the central electrical panel of the house or on the transformer of an amplifier, where is the set of measures that will tell you the differences between these 2 operations at these 2 different locations and why?

My ears has told me the end results, if you want to know it, you must realize the experiment.... Even if no audio manual describe this experiment, it is a possible experiment with an end result....

Just a clue: there will not only be a variable audible effect in quality,( variable relatively to each house and each audio system) but it will be different for the quartz and the shungite, but the quartz will work the same in the 2 locations and the shungite too, confirming their own particular different power to increase or decrease the S.Q. end results for the ears...

By the way i dont sell nor buy anything, all i made are my own homemade experiments....What is the essence of my 2 last years experiments is not the purchase of a bunch of costly ready made tweaks, it is a systematic method between experiments and listening with only cheap materials and homemade simple device....

And for those ignoring the placebo methodology, an incremental, step by step positive increase in audio S.Q. extending in time with many experiments is no more a placebo, then it must be an hallucination.... But if you say that, then all audio experience is pure hallucination and even the concept of sound quality or S.Q. is a snake oil concept, and audio engineer dont need their ears no more now, only oscilloscope, db meter etc...

By the way i want to debunk the myth that Hi-Fi experience is linearly linked to the big money invested in the new electronic design component around the block....

I dont say that cables or new refined electronic design dont do a big difference, i only say the essential is not buying disparate costly tweaks, or costly cables, or costly electronic components; the essential is listening and learning how to embed in his 3 dimensions ANY audio system at any price, to make it able to work at his optimal potential....

I want to debunk the "upgrading" urge and myth as solution to audio problem and experience....


My best....
It seems refreshing articles.... Thanks

Bernardo Kastrup is in itself a new sign of the changing tides....

 And Goethe will be understood tomorrow....

There is some hope perhaps in these creepy times....
i understand but this decoupling cannot be perfect or absolute no? there is a trade-off implicated in the decoupling itsef....With or without power cord.... The regenerator is always linked to the electrical grid of the house and change the general noise floor of the house and change the particular noise floor of the audio system, no ?

This is my point....

Thanks for your answer....
Any power regenerator will introduce a noise of his own making by the mere presence of his electronic components...His design is the results of a wise trade-off  created by the original designer...

If we introduce this power regenerator in a particular audio system with a noise floor of his own, adding to it a power cable then  modifying this particular trade-off,  would it be unthinkable that a power cable can improve  the original trade-off or destroy it in some case?

It is a question.... I am in no way an engineer, or even a scientist....

glupson do you listen to Scarlatti?

I just discover a marvellous poetical delicate interpretation of it on modern piano....Christian Zacharias... One of the finest interpretation i listen to....

Scarlatti was admired by all composers there is after him....His music is a balm for the soul....

i prefer my translation modulo Korzybski than the " counting" citation.... It is more interesting....

Any set of measures is ALWAYS a map....Or a potential.... Certainly not all reality, nor the territory....
I dont know....But if not, it is so right observation that anybody with a brain would have been able to write it.... I will take it then.... :)

I think that the author is Elliot Eisner i look on the internet.... But i dont know for sure....

I like it a lot.... I translate it: " map is not territory "  Alfred Korzybsky...

A smaller brain than Einstein perhaps but not an idiot ....

Bad faith is alas! an obstruction to communication that is heavy load to throw off....

Too much konwledge in  a field can mask the infinite mysteries around, and can be too easy and tempting to throw off at the face  of others less knowledgeable.... 

This citation of Einstein is testimony of his intuition about knowledge  but also about reality.... The map(measures) are radically different from the territory.... He was knowing that like some other awaken spirits...

In audio not everything that matters to the  ears can be measured, and not everything that is measured matters to the ears... A perfect application of these words that Einsten  inscribed  on the opening door of his office...

The map must guide us but never at all cost.....If not,we reduce ourself to horse with blinders....

I use digital and i can listen to the true potential of digital with my controlled embeddings of the audio system....

But many digital audio system sound awful....I can understand others viewpoint also....

The key to Hi-Fi is the embeddings not the digital/vinyl choices....And certainly not cables differences even if they are real, and they are indeed....

You accuse me of conspiracy like if it was an insult without even reading my point about statistics.... And you are the one arguing about the fact that people had no argument .... Very funny....

It is easy instead of understanding someone complex viewpoint to put him on your chess board with black and white colors....Childish games.... Reality exceed what we think about it....

The map and the reality are totally different.....
You seem to be joining mahgister on the conspiracy front.

Most conspiracies are stupidity and greed....

 And by the way i have not read Teo audio like a defense of vinyl versus digital....But like an industry greed  taking the easy way....
For sure not..... :)

Cables difference is a fact easy to experience.... But price there is thief and fraud also  too often....
he major failings of the ASR camp are :

1 - The idea that an oscilloscope is a judge of my listening preferences.

2 - The idea that measuring first does not generate observation bias. In fact, it creates it.

3 - The idea that measurements mostly defined by the 1960s capture our hearing.

I also believe that cables are way over priced, and that good room acoustics are a better first investment than any cable, as well as that tone controls are good.


 i cannot say it better....Thanks....