Warm Sounding Speakers

I set aside my Krell 300Si integrated amp (150WPC - 8ohms, 300wpc - 4 ohms) in favor of more power for my Maggie 3.6's.

I liked the Krell but did think that it was a bit sterile sounding.

My thought is that it might sound better with warmer sounding speakers.

I iam interested in suggestions of speakers that might mate well with the Krell.

Please and thanks!


Showing 2 responses by roxy54

I had that amp once years ago on loan for a couple of weeks. Describing it as sterile is very kind. If you like your present speakers, change the amp. If not, try Spendor. Still, they deserve a nore musical amp than that. It was not one of their best efforts.
I'll say it one more time...ditch the amp, and use any speakers you like. It may be Krell, but it has the worst qualities of solid state sound in my opinion.