isolating your amp

For isolating an amp would you choose the GPA Monaco amp stands with Apex footers or the SRA Ohio Plus XL2 amp stands? Looking for feedback from users of both products. I've read the pro-reviews, looking for consumer feedback!
I use the Solid Tech Disc's of Silence under both my monoblocks. You could also use the Feet of Silence. I think they provide excellent isolation, and they are way cheaper than Grand Prix Audio anything.

I use "sad balls" under my Threshold s450e @~75lbs.

Arbor Scientific - item # P6-1000-03. The refer to them as stabilizing spherers. Also get #11 O-rings from Home Depot to keep them from rolling around on you. You can even cut them in half (a little tricky) and use them as a substitute for vibropods, sorborthene, etc. feet under cdp, preamp or whatever you want to isolate.

Happy listening,
I auditioned the GPA/Apex setup under my former amps, and compared them directly to my new SRA XL+ Squared bases. To my ears, the SRAs were clearly superior, boasting better bass and yielding more low-level information. It would be best, though, to hear both if you could. Your ears aren't my ears.